My inspiron 600m is painstakingly slow. It has 512 mb RAM, 1.6mhz processor,, and 60 GB hard drive. My hard drive light will flicker like crazy. The system was good for ordinary stuff like browsing the web, checking mail, and stuff. But if I want to do serious stuff like programming, whoosh, it will hang up on my face. So I decided to upgrade my system. First I thought I will do a complete sweep, format the drive and install the windows xp. I called up dell customer service and told them i lost the Windows XP CD while changing house (seriously i did lose it ;) ). The cutomer service person first told me that our warranty has expired (obviously), and so we have to pay for the cd. But then after serious negotiation, he told he will ask his manager and put me on hold. I started reading a book since i know it ll take time when a customer service person puts u on hold.
Surprisingly , he came back soon, and told me, that they would post the cd and the general drive's cd (since system specific driver cd is not available for inspiron 600m. It seems they have stopped production of this system. Yes I am still having this out-of-production lappy).
While talking to him, he mentioned a technique called PC Restore in dell systems manufactured after april 2004. It will convert your system to the stage in which it was shipped. Yes, no windows cd required, no painstaking process of installing drivers, and downloading more from the internet. Just do PC Restore and have your shipped in system in 10 minutes.
So I asked this customer representative about the process, and he reminded me that my laptop's warranty expired, and i would have to pay for this type of customer service. Yeah right, I would pay 100$ to dell for telling me how to press ctrl + f11 during bootup. In his dreams!!!!!
I thanked him for his valuable time, and browsed the net for "pc restore dell", and immediately found the proceedure to do PC Restore. I backed up my important data, and did PC Restore. When I rebooted my system, to my bliss it worked at a speed i havenet experienced in a long run. Still it is 512 mb only, but working at a faster rate. Even my husband was surprised at the speed of this new system.
Now as my next step, I thought about ordering more memory to my system to increase its performance. Atleast 100 bucks is better than buiying a new system for 700$ rite?. So I searched the internet and found that there are two slots for inspiron 600m, and a maximum memory of 2 gb here. I even watched a video that explained how to install more memory in a laptop.
Hence I ordered 1 gb RAM, and eagerly am waiting for its arrival through fed-ex. After I clicked confirm, I realised, I dint open my laptop and see my laptop's architechture (though, i know there is nothing new in my out-of-production laptop). I switched off my laptop, removed the power cable, inverted it. I took out a small star screwdriver out of my 2-month kid's bassinet kit, and tried to unscrew my memory slot. Not useful. Then I climbed the two step ladder, blew the dust out of our toolkit box, and opened it to find a useless set of 10 removable tips, none of which was useful for my purpose. Then I heard some noise outside. The maintainance guy was working with something outside my apartment. My mom suggested that he might have such small driver. So I took up courage of not seeming stupid, went to him, and asked if he had a screwdriver smaller than mine. He said he has it at home, and not now. He even offered to bring it tomorrow. Whew. I was relieved. Got his name, Thanked him, and came back to install Ubuntu on my laptop.
After a few days I got my 1 GB RAM in mail, but realised that I dont have that small screwdriver for my laptop. So had to wait until we went to walmart to get the precision set. Today morning I installed the extra memory, and my system started running fast and I installed kubuntu without out of memory shut downs.
I dont know how or when I opened the pandora box, because now my wireless is not working. I am using microsoft client, and the radio is not working. I am discussing about it soon in my blog.
On Saturday, the ISO C++ committee completed the second-last design meeting
of C++26, held in Hagenberg, Austria. There is just one meeting left before
1 week ago
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